This month we are celebrating Mother's Day in the UK. Our mothers can be our greatest connection to knowledge & understanding of our bodies, nature and making good choices for our health & wellbeing.
At some point during your youth, your mother (or guardian or indeed father), would have played a significant role in how you take care of your body today and the product choices you make. Their choices were based upon their understanding of the world at that time. As we evolve and as our knowledge develops, how we choose to do things and what we choose to use on our bodies also changes. If you are a mother, your choices are impacting your children and will influence how they approach their own self-care and wellbeing as they grow into adults and parents themselves. As with everything in life…
“Choose well, for them.”
An integral part of the Sakrid mission is to encourage societies to seek to be educated on product ingredients and the negative or positive effect they can have on the body. We feel inspired to create a movement of people that have a deep knowledge of beauty and self-care products and are aware of what is possible when we seek to only utilise the ingredients that nature offers us.
Our journey all started with noticing that we are becoming increasingly conscious. About our wellbeing. Our food. Our planet. Our mental health. Our impact on our environment and our communities.
However, so many of us are comfortably unaware of the amount of potentially harmful chemicals and toxins that we are exposed to everyday, through our self-care products. Nick and I are a blended family of four. As our own son and daughters grow, I am becoming increasingly conscious of positively demonstrating to them what it means to live naturally, whilst feeling fulfilled and mindful of our choices.
“I am a woman who does not want to compromise on how I want to look. I want to wear make-up and pamper my body. I’m also a mum, with the weight of the responsibility of the products I choose for my family.”
My own daughter is of an age where we have started to discuss her using a small amount of deodorant. What a hold you breath mum moment that was for me! My little baby using…needing to use, grown-up products. We discussed all of the fancy and attractive packaging that many brands promote and then we compared ingredients of those and the natural deodorant I use. She is aware of the breast cancer that her grandmother fought and beat; and she understands why this inspired me to create Sakrid. This unforgettable moment between my daughter and me will stay with me for life. And my hope is, that she too will always choose a natural deodorant for all the reasons we discussed that day.
“I hope she will remember my choice and choose well for herself.”
It is our responsibility to choose wisely for our bodies and well-being.
We make good products, using good ingredients, that are good for you and good for our planet. All good things - We are Sakrid.